Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Offensiveness = Awesomeness(?)

Something has been bothering me.

Nemmie Nemmie Nem. A wapper from the Unite.
The fact that this fucking geek can spew his guts, joke about rape, kidnapping and murder, and hate just about anything that moves (or may or may not move in the near future or past) - does not bother me so much. I'm fine with that. Spew all you want, Nemmie-nemmie-nem. Profanity is my friend too, dawg.

What does bother me, is that I can't. Whenever I drop some racial slurr, makes fun of someone diseased or dead, I get looks. Not only do they not idolize me, scream my name, and faint whenever I grab my balls, but I get shunned and judged for being a fucking asshole, just by throwing an African themed party (no food, and the drinks are seven miles away). That's fucking discrimination, and even if you're a woman and you're reading this on your tiny iPhone in the kitchen while making food, you know this.

Think about that the next time you enjoy an Nemmie Nemmie Nem «song».

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